Intentional & Deliberate Planning
For Impactful, Consistent, & Effective Instruction
As educators, our planning must be
so our instruction will be
Educators today are faced with a variety of challenges. Classrooms are more diverse. Demands for students’ success is at an all-time high. Time is at a premium. For educators, this is a balancing act. Teachers need resources to support the learning needs of students at all levels.
As educators plan, consideration needs to be given to the diversity of learning styles and multiple intelligences found among the students, cultural diversities, language and reading challenges, as well as gaps that may be identified through data or pre-assessment. This course will help teachers understand how to plan deliberately and intentionally to support maximizing their students' achievement.
Modules include:
Basic + and Custom level participants will have the opportunity to work with Tammy in live support sessions as they plan topically for their year/semester.
PD Hours:
Upon successful completion of the Basic course, participants will get a certificate for 12 hours of PD credit.
Upon successful completion of the Basic+ course, participants will get a certificate for 24 hours of PD credit.
PD credit hours will be determined by the local district/school for the Custom course.
Tammy Jones
Getting Started with Effective Implementation of this Course
The Tools of Planning
Know Your Destination
Be Mindful of Roadblocks
Charting the Course
Not Enough Time? Plan Topically
Making Content Accessible to All
Identifying Anchor Tasks & Activities
Building Opportunities for Literacy and Writing
Tools to Support Effective Questioning
Students as Questioners
Types of Assessment
Building Authentic Assessments
Strategies for Student Success
Reflecting on the Journey
Explain how different pricing options might be valuable to different segments of your audience.
Regular price
Custom Course for Schools & Districts (Call for price for more than 25 teachers or teachers in multiple disciplines)
Basic Course + 4 Live Group Coaching Sessions + Editable Templates
Basic Course